Monday, July 22, 2013

Thoughts on Letting Go

So, I have been publishing the book club newsletters for almost 2 years now. A lot of fascinating books have come to my attention as I have hunted out interesting reads to entertain you with. But, as life often has wont, my priorities have become stretched. I can't tell you how excited I am to combine both lists! Of course this will provide a new challenge in presenting not only a healthy variety in genres, but in posing intrigue to you the reader!

So what has me so busy of late? With summer comes more family obligations and the outdoors calls to us all. Dividing my attention betwixt work, reading, and family can be a delicate balance that can crash all too quickly. So, it is not with any little regret that I am letting Book List 2 meld into the monthly newsletter. This will provide a one stop reading suggestion for everyone to share and enjoy! While this also cuts down my time devoted to researching books for you, it also provides me more time to spend with my family and to my newest project... writing.

Writing isn't for everyone. I can't journal worth a darn, but I sure do have some pretty fantastical stories just bursting at the seams! Do you enjoy writing? Do you journal daily? Weekly? Monthly? Do you prefer to write daily experiences? Or do you relish in releasing the creative beast? Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Do you prefer novellas, short stories, or poetry?

What is it that we admire most about authors? Their written works? What connects us to their contents? What draws us to strong emotion when reading a particular subject? What empowers you? What pricks your conscience? If you could write, what would you share with the world at large?

As time goes by I find myself asking myself these questions and then asking more as I pick and poke at my stories. But, I also find myself holding back when I sit at my computer or hold my pen above the page. It is a very intimate thing, sharing what lives, breathes, and grows within my imagination. I haven't exactly argued with the people who dwell in the darkness there, but we are negotiating the best medium to free them.

In the end, I find myself not really wanting to quite let this blog go, as it holds many great reading suggestions. We are young as a group here at Ecova, but I am sure that with each month we can grow as we share with other offices and encourage new networking opportunities from afar. Geography may hold us back but our shared interests will unite us further! So, with this in mind, I believe I will periodically put my thoughts down in regards to our wonderful book club and the impact it has in my life. I only hope that my words are encouraging, enlightening, engaging, humorous, and provoking to you. As always, everyone is invited to contribute!

Thank you for staying with us this long! I look forward to many more years sharing with you!

~Lady Loretta~