Wow! Have you seen the shelf lately? I mean... WOW! As a telecommuter, I don't see the shelf on a day-to-day basis. In fact, I am lucky to see that shelf in the 5th Floor Lunchroom twice a month! My days in the office change, and life happens, but I am beyond pleased with the contributions and donations that the Lending Shelf has inspired. In fact, the number of books I find that are absent when I do make it into the office for pick-up is a treat! Simply put, WE LOVE IT!
I remember when I was worried I hadn't brought enough books for the shelf and we had just a handful to offer for your enjoyment. Since we started the Lending Shelf, so wonderfully put together by Gail and her amazing husband, we have expanded our selections from just a few to a practically full shelf. It is fabulous! I can't wait to provide even more delightful literary morsels to appease your appetites!
As always, we encourage our readers to submit photos of books they love reading, shelves they drool over, and self-portraits of our readers enjoying a good reading spot or of our readers with their current book of choice. Would love to share your vision here or in the newsletter.
Well, October is upon us and I will be toting in a large sum of frightfully delectable reads. So keep your eyes open, Spokane! And thanks for rocking the Lending Library Shelf since it's debut this summer!
~Lady Loretta~
Ecova Book Club 2
Welcome to the former Book List 2 page! We are proud to offer up our Archives for your review! Comments are welcomed, discussions encouraged, and the desire to read more a delight! So if you are looking for that next great read, don't forget to check out our monthly newsletter at Happy reading!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
A New School Year - thoughts on the Book Club
As some of you know, I have three darling monsters... I mean, children! Yeah, children. And what this means is I now have a child in elementary, middle, and high school. High school? What! Where did the years go?! I know I don't feel old enough to have my baby boy in high school, but life leads us ever forward. With this journey just beginning, I am joyful in growing with my children as they explore the world around them!
Speaking of moving forward, I am now volunteering with my children's schools! Whoa. That is a huge step! I haven't been in a place to contribute my time before now, and I find this a daunting experience. Stepping out of my little bubble is definitely on the agenda and I am eager for the experience. Do you have children in school? Do you volunteer at your child's school? What is your favorite event or project to get involved in? What would you like to see your child's school do?
Well, I hope you have enjoyed the merged list posted on the Ecova Book Club Blog! We have certainly enjoyed picking out titles. Authors are vast and many. We hope the addition of a Featured Author with the link to their blog proves useful and interesting. As we discussed earlier this year, we want to strive for a monthly theme for the books and some subjects are harder to research than others. If you would like to see certain authors featured or a book listed, let us know! We would love to add it!
Okay, so as with school starting and volunteers gearing up for a busy event calendar, Saturday meetings seem to be the most efficient for our friends. Many of us are still busy but we would like to invite everyone to block out the second Saturday of each month to come out and just enjoy each others company. Yes, we will talk about books we have read and are currently devouring, but it is the company we most enjoy!
We started out our Saturday meetings at the Argonne Library. A delightful and helpful staff, the Argonne Library is a little treasure trove! If you have any questions or are looking for anything in particular, the ladies there are amazing resources!
As summer bloomed, we moved our meetings to the amazingly serene grounds of Arbor Crest! The staff there are personable, helpful, and were always eager to set us up in a peaceful area where we could chat and indulge in a glass of their delicious wines. As summer is winding down, we are seeking a new location to meet up with each other. Granted, the Argonne Library would gladly host us! But, if you aren't up for meeting in a library, we definitely understand!
And what I am most excited about is getting together in Spokane for a Book Shop Hop! Oh... my... yumminess! YES! I know that with the holidays hard on our heels, who can resist a book lovers shopping extravaganza?! A bit of coffee, a bit of lunch, a whole lot of books and bookstores! We hope you will join us! As the saying goes! The more, the merrier!
I truly love putting the newsletter together, and I like exploring new avenues of interest for you. As I said with my last post on here, I am exploring the world of writing. I haven't satisfactorily finished anything, but I hope that one day I can share my writings with you. Until that day comes, I truly hope you enjoy the newsletters!
~Lady Loretta~
Speaking of moving forward, I am now volunteering with my children's schools! Whoa. That is a huge step! I haven't been in a place to contribute my time before now, and I find this a daunting experience. Stepping out of my little bubble is definitely on the agenda and I am eager for the experience. Do you have children in school? Do you volunteer at your child's school? What is your favorite event or project to get involved in? What would you like to see your child's school do?
Well, I hope you have enjoyed the merged list posted on the Ecova Book Club Blog! We have certainly enjoyed picking out titles. Authors are vast and many. We hope the addition of a Featured Author with the link to their blog proves useful and interesting. As we discussed earlier this year, we want to strive for a monthly theme for the books and some subjects are harder to research than others. If you would like to see certain authors featured or a book listed, let us know! We would love to add it!
Okay, so as with school starting and volunteers gearing up for a busy event calendar, Saturday meetings seem to be the most efficient for our friends. Many of us are still busy but we would like to invite everyone to block out the second Saturday of each month to come out and just enjoy each others company. Yes, we will talk about books we have read and are currently devouring, but it is the company we most enjoy!
We started out our Saturday meetings at the Argonne Library. A delightful and helpful staff, the Argonne Library is a little treasure trove! If you have any questions or are looking for anything in particular, the ladies there are amazing resources!
As summer bloomed, we moved our meetings to the amazingly serene grounds of Arbor Crest! The staff there are personable, helpful, and were always eager to set us up in a peaceful area where we could chat and indulge in a glass of their delicious wines. As summer is winding down, we are seeking a new location to meet up with each other. Granted, the Argonne Library would gladly host us! But, if you aren't up for meeting in a library, we definitely understand!
And what I am most excited about is getting together in Spokane for a Book Shop Hop! Oh... my... yumminess! YES! I know that with the holidays hard on our heels, who can resist a book lovers shopping extravaganza?! A bit of coffee, a bit of lunch, a whole lot of books and bookstores! We hope you will join us! As the saying goes! The more, the merrier!
I truly love putting the newsletter together, and I like exploring new avenues of interest for you. As I said with my last post on here, I am exploring the world of writing. I haven't satisfactorily finished anything, but I hope that one day I can share my writings with you. Until that day comes, I truly hope you enjoy the newsletters!
~Lady Loretta~
Monday, July 22, 2013
Thoughts on Letting Go
So, I have been publishing the book club newsletters for almost 2 years now. A lot of fascinating books have come to my attention as I have hunted out interesting reads to entertain you with. But, as life often has wont, my priorities have become stretched. I can't tell you how excited I am to combine both lists! Of course this will provide a new challenge in presenting not only a healthy variety in genres, but in posing intrigue to you the reader!
So what has me so busy of late? With summer comes more family obligations and the outdoors calls to us all. Dividing my attention betwixt work, reading, and family can be a delicate balance that can crash all too quickly. So, it is not with any little regret that I am letting Book List 2 meld into the monthly newsletter. This will provide a one stop reading suggestion for everyone to share and enjoy! While this also cuts down my time devoted to researching books for you, it also provides me more time to spend with my family and to my newest project... writing.
Writing isn't for everyone. I can't journal worth a darn, but I sure do have some pretty fantastical stories just bursting at the seams! Do you enjoy writing? Do you journal daily? Weekly? Monthly? Do you prefer to write daily experiences? Or do you relish in releasing the creative beast? Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Do you prefer novellas, short stories, or poetry?
What is it that we admire most about authors? Their written works? What connects us to their contents? What draws us to strong emotion when reading a particular subject? What empowers you? What pricks your conscience? If you could write, what would you share with the world at large?
As time goes by I find myself asking myself these questions and then asking more as I pick and poke at my stories. But, I also find myself holding back when I sit at my computer or hold my pen above the page. It is a very intimate thing, sharing what lives, breathes, and grows within my imagination. I haven't exactly argued with the people who dwell in the darkness there, but we are negotiating the best medium to free them.
In the end, I find myself not really wanting to quite let this blog go, as it holds many great reading suggestions. We are young as a group here at Ecova, but I am sure that with each month we can grow as we share with other offices and encourage new networking opportunities from afar. Geography may hold us back but our shared interests will unite us further! So, with this in mind, I believe I will periodically put my thoughts down in regards to our wonderful book club and the impact it has in my life. I only hope that my words are encouraging, enlightening, engaging, humorous, and provoking to you. As always, everyone is invited to contribute!
Thank you for staying with us this long! I look forward to many more years sharing with you!
~Lady Loretta~
So what has me so busy of late? With summer comes more family obligations and the outdoors calls to us all. Dividing my attention betwixt work, reading, and family can be a delicate balance that can crash all too quickly. So, it is not with any little regret that I am letting Book List 2 meld into the monthly newsletter. This will provide a one stop reading suggestion for everyone to share and enjoy! While this also cuts down my time devoted to researching books for you, it also provides me more time to spend with my family and to my newest project... writing.
Writing isn't for everyone. I can't journal worth a darn, but I sure do have some pretty fantastical stories just bursting at the seams! Do you enjoy writing? Do you journal daily? Weekly? Monthly? Do you prefer to write daily experiences? Or do you relish in releasing the creative beast? Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Do you prefer novellas, short stories, or poetry?
What is it that we admire most about authors? Their written works? What connects us to their contents? What draws us to strong emotion when reading a particular subject? What empowers you? What pricks your conscience? If you could write, what would you share with the world at large?
As time goes by I find myself asking myself these questions and then asking more as I pick and poke at my stories. But, I also find myself holding back when I sit at my computer or hold my pen above the page. It is a very intimate thing, sharing what lives, breathes, and grows within my imagination. I haven't exactly argued with the people who dwell in the darkness there, but we are negotiating the best medium to free them.
In the end, I find myself not really wanting to quite let this blog go, as it holds many great reading suggestions. We are young as a group here at Ecova, but I am sure that with each month we can grow as we share with other offices and encourage new networking opportunities from afar. Geography may hold us back but our shared interests will unite us further! So, with this in mind, I believe I will periodically put my thoughts down in regards to our wonderful book club and the impact it has in my life. I only hope that my words are encouraging, enlightening, engaging, humorous, and provoking to you. As always, everyone is invited to contribute!
Thank you for staying with us this long! I look forward to many more years sharing with you!
~Lady Loretta~
Monday, May 20, 2013
May/June Newsletter
is almost over! With graduation
parties and last minute school madness, Summer is about to open up and take
over with full effect. Will you be taking vacation time? Where will you go? To
the ocean? To visit family? To exotic locales?
and swimming are definite favorite pastimes for my family. We find any excuse
to get into the water or to just sneak away for the weekend an amazing relief
to the tedium of city life. Of course, many times we are camping in our own
back yard with a small fire and marshmallows galore! What is your favorite
summer activity?
this list is about books, and I delight in books. I adore books so much that
you can always find me lounging by the pool side dividing my attention betwixt
the pages of a good story and the exuberance of my children splashing away! It also
gives me the opportunity to take sneaky pictures for future familial blackmail.
you may have noticed in our general newsletter, we have decided to combine both
lists for future publications. It is with great delight that we will provide a
more varied selection in one go, every month. This way we can just worry about
the one list instead of hunting down a secondary list of more devious delights.
*cough cough* (Read: List to follow)
we will be participating in the new Lending Library Shelf at Spokane 5th
Floor Lunch Room! Books will rotate monthly there, so if you don’t see
something horrifying, enlightening, or of sizzling delight, KEEP YOUR EYES
OPEN! There will be new books every 1st Tuesday! Donations are
welcomed on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays! Just shoot me an email
and I will be happy to collect anything you wish to see on the Lending Library
Happy Reading!
Helping Me Help Myself
By Beth Lisick
Grappling with her lifelong phobia of anything slick,
cheesy, or remotely claiming to provide self-empowerment, Beth Lisick wakes up
on New Year's Day 2006 with an unprecedented feeling. She is finally able to
admit to herself that she's grown tired of embracing the same old set of
nagging problems year after year. She has no savings account. Her house feels
unorganized and chaotic. She and her husband never hang out together. The last
time she exercised regularly was as a member of her high school track team
almost twenty years ago.
Instead of turning to advice from the abundant pool of local life coaches, therapists, and healers readily available on her home turf of northern California, Beth confronts her fears head-on. She consults the multimillion-dollar-earning pros and national experts, not only reading their bestselling books but also attending their seminars and classes. In Chicago, she gets proactive with "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." In Atlanta, she tries to get a handle on exactly why "women are from Venus," and in a highly comedic bout on the high seas of the Caribbean, she gamely sweats to the oldies on a weeklong Cruise to Lose with Richard Simmons.
Throughout this yearlong experiment, Beth tries extremely hard to maintain her wry sense of humor and easygoing nature, even as she starts to fall prey to some of the experts' ideas, ideas she thought she'd spent her whole life rejecting. Beth doesn't think of herself as the typical self-help victim. But is she?
Instead of turning to advice from the abundant pool of local life coaches, therapists, and healers readily available on her home turf of northern California, Beth confronts her fears head-on. She consults the multimillion-dollar-earning pros and national experts, not only reading their bestselling books but also attending their seminars and classes. In Chicago, she gets proactive with "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People." In Atlanta, she tries to get a handle on exactly why "women are from Venus," and in a highly comedic bout on the high seas of the Caribbean, she gamely sweats to the oldies on a weeklong Cruise to Lose with Richard Simmons.
Throughout this yearlong experiment, Beth tries extremely hard to maintain her wry sense of humor and easygoing nature, even as she starts to fall prey to some of the experts' ideas, ideas she thought she'd spent her whole life rejecting. Beth doesn't think of herself as the typical self-help victim. But is she?
Mom & Me & Mom
By Maya Angelou
The story of Maya Angelou’s extraordinary life has been
chronicled in her multiple bestselling autobiographies. But now, at last, the
legendary author shares the deepest personal story of her life: her
relationship with her mother.
For the first time, Angelou reveals the triumphs and struggles of being the daughter of Vivian Baxter, an indomitable spirit whose petite size belied her larger-than-life presence—a presence absent during much of Angelou’s early life. When her marriage began to crumble, Vivian famously sent three-year-old Maya and her older brother away from their California home to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. The subsequent feelings of abandonment stayed with Angelou for years, but their reunion, a decade later, began a story that has never before been told. In Mom & Me & Mom, Angelou dramatizes her years reconciling with the mother she preferred to simply call “Lady,” revealing the profound moments that shifted the balance of love and respect between them.
Delving into one of her life’s most rich, rewarding, and fraught relationships, Mom & Me & Mom explores the healing and love that evolved between the two women over the course of their lives, the love that fostered Maya Angelou’s rise from immeasurable depths to reach impossible heights.
For the first time, Angelou reveals the triumphs and struggles of being the daughter of Vivian Baxter, an indomitable spirit whose petite size belied her larger-than-life presence—a presence absent during much of Angelou’s early life. When her marriage began to crumble, Vivian famously sent three-year-old Maya and her older brother away from their California home to live with their grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas. The subsequent feelings of abandonment stayed with Angelou for years, but their reunion, a decade later, began a story that has never before been told. In Mom & Me & Mom, Angelou dramatizes her years reconciling with the mother she preferred to simply call “Lady,” revealing the profound moments that shifted the balance of love and respect between them.
Delving into one of her life’s most rich, rewarding, and fraught relationships, Mom & Me & Mom explores the healing and love that evolved between the two women over the course of their lives, the love that fostered Maya Angelou’s rise from immeasurable depths to reach impossible heights.
True Crime
Wrong Place Wrong Time
By David P.
After a reckless night out and losing everything I had
worked so hard for, I leave memories of a London police cell behind me and head
for Marbella with its promise of adventure and fun. Little do I know that I’m
about to be thrust into the most terrifying time of my life. Wrong Place Wrong
Time is a gripping true-life story of an unimaginable nightmare and how my
ticket to a new life turns out to be a one way ticket to hell.
A Rose for Her Grave and Other True Cases
(Compilation #1)
By Ann Rule
Ann Rule's Crime Files books have delivered the very best
in true crime reading since A Rose for Her Grave,
first in the acclaimed series, made its debut. Distinguished by the former
Seattle policewoman's razor-sharp eye for telling detail and her penetrating
analysis of the criminal mind, this gripping collection of accounts drawn from
her personal files features the twisting case of Randy Roth, who married -- and
murdered -- for profit. In her trademark narrative style, Ann Rule weaves a
tale that is riveting, enraging, and heartbreaking all at once, and brilliantly
chronicles the fateful confluence of a killer and his female victims, as well
as the shattering investigation into Roth's heinous crimes.
YA Paranormal
Under the Never Sky (Under the Never Sky #1)
By Veronica Rossi
Aria has lived her whole life in the protected dome of Reverie. Her entire world confined to its spaces, she's never thought to dream of what lies beyond its doors. So when her mother goes missing, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland long enough to find her are slim.
Then Aria meets an outsider named Perry. He's searching for someone too. He's also wild - a savage - but might be her best hope at staying alive.
If they can survive, they are each other's best hope for finding answers.
Aria has lived her whole life in the protected dome of Reverie. Her entire world confined to its spaces, she's never thought to dream of what lies beyond its doors. So when her mother goes missing, Aria knows her chances of surviving in the outer wasteland long enough to find her are slim.
Then Aria meets an outsider named Perry. He's searching for someone too. He's also wild - a savage - but might be her best hope at staying alive.
If they can survive, they are each other's best hope for finding answers.
Paranormal Romance
Marked (Eternal Guardians #1)
By Elisabeth
THERON—Dark haired, duty bound and
deceptively deadly. He’s the leader of the Argonauts, an elite group of
guardians that defends the immortal realm from threats of the Underworld.
From the moment he walked into the
club, Casey knew this guy was different. Men like that just didn’t exist in
real life—silky shoulder-length hair, chest impossibly broad, and a predatory
manner that just screamed dark and dangerous. He was looking for something.
She was the one. She had the mark.
Casey had to die so his kind could live, and it was Theron’s duty to bring her
in. But even as a 200-year-old descendent of Hercules, he wasn’t strong enough
to resist the pull in her fathomless eyes, to tear himself away from the heat
of her body.
As war with the Underworld nears,
someone will have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
Tempting the Beast (Breeds #1)
By Lora Leigh
Callan Lyons is a genetic experiment. One of six fighting
for freedom and the survival of their Pride. Merinus Tyler is the reporter who
will tempt him, draw him, until the fury of the "mating frenzy" locks
them into a battle of sexual heat there is no escape from.
Deception, blood, and the evil Genetics Council are hot on their trail. Callan will use his strength to try and save them both...and do all in his power to keep his woman in the process.
Deception, blood, and the evil Genetics Council are hot on their trail. Callan will use his strength to try and save them both...and do all in his power to keep his woman in the process.
Romance Eros
Music of the Heart (Runaway Train #1)
By Katie Ashley
For Abby Renard, the plan was supposed to be simple—join
her brothers’ band on the last leg of their summer tour and decide if she’s
finally ready for the limelight by becoming its fourth member. Of course, she
never imagined stumbling onto the wrong tour bus at Rock Nation would
accidentally land her in the bed of Jake Slater, the notorious womanizing lead
singer of Runaway Train. When he mistakes her for one of his groupie’s, Abby
quickly lets him know she sure as hell isn't in his bed on purpose.
Jake Slater never imagined the angel who fell into his bed would resist his charms by promptly kneeing him in the balls. Of course, the fact she seems like a prissy choir girl makes her anything but his type. So he is more than surprised when after betting Abby she wouldn’t last a week on their tour bus, she is more than willing to prove him wrong. But as Jake’s personal life begins to implode around him, he finds an unlikely ally in Abby. He’s never met a woman he can talk to, joke with, or most importantly make music with.
As the week starts comes to a close, neither Abby nor Jake is ready to let go. Can a sweetheart Country songstress and a bad boy of Rock N Roll actually have a future together?
Jake Slater never imagined the angel who fell into his bed would resist his charms by promptly kneeing him in the balls. Of course, the fact she seems like a prissy choir girl makes her anything but his type. So he is more than surprised when after betting Abby she wouldn’t last a week on their tour bus, she is more than willing to prove him wrong. But as Jake’s personal life begins to implode around him, he finds an unlikely ally in Abby. He’s never met a woman he can talk to, joke with, or most importantly make music with.
As the week starts comes to a close, neither Abby nor Jake is ready to let go. Can a sweetheart Country songstress and a bad boy of Rock N Roll actually have a future together?
Undeniable (Undeniable #1)
By Madeline
Eva Fox is the princess of the Silver Demons Motorcycle
Club. Growing up with bikers in the club lifestyle is all that she knows. When
she’s a young girl, Eva meets the reason for her existence. Deuce West is the
sexy, biker bad-ass of the Hell’s Horsemen Motorcycle Club. Like Eva, he was
born and raised in the club—but that’s where the similarities end. Their first
meeting is innocent, but as Eva matures into a woman, their chance reunions
evolve into a fit of lust and love. Fate continues to bring them together time
and time again, but their twisted journey is filled with pain, betrayal, and
bloodshed that could tear them apart. Eva sees in Deuce what he cannot see in
himself—a man worthy of love—and Eva spends her lifetime proving to him that
her undeniable love is the one thing he can’t live without.
Undercover (Federation Chronicles #1)
By Lauren Dane
A sexy debut exploring an
erotic future universe of passion, danger, and deceit…
On the battleground or in the bedroom, one woman and two men fight for dominance in a bold, new, and excitingly different direction in erotica…
As a lieutenant of the Federation military, Sera Ayers is accustomed to giving orders, not taking them. Now she must obey the one man she can't stand-and can't stop thinking about.
With the enemy Imperialists gaining ground, a covert team is assembled by Ash Walker. Ten years before, Sera had lovingly submitted to Ash's dominance in the bedroom. But when he was forced into a political marriage, she refused to play mistress. His marriage now over, Ash wants Sera on his team - and back in his bed.
The third team member, Brandt Pela, has an elegance to match Ash's savage sexuality. And when their undercover plan requires Sera to pose as Brandt's lover, it ignites a passion among the three of them more dangerous than their mission.
On the battleground or in the bedroom, one woman and two men fight for dominance in a bold, new, and excitingly different direction in erotica…
As a lieutenant of the Federation military, Sera Ayers is accustomed to giving orders, not taking them. Now she must obey the one man she can't stand-and can't stop thinking about.
With the enemy Imperialists gaining ground, a covert team is assembled by Ash Walker. Ten years before, Sera had lovingly submitted to Ash's dominance in the bedroom. But when he was forced into a political marriage, she refused to play mistress. His marriage now over, Ash wants Sera on his team - and back in his bed.
The third team member, Brandt Pela, has an elegance to match Ash's savage sexuality. And when their undercover plan requires Sera to pose as Brandt's lover, it ignites a passion among the three of them more dangerous than their mission.
Manga / Graphic Novel
Star Trek: Countdown to Darkness
By Mike Johnson,
David Messina
The countdown to the motion picture event of 2013 begins
here, in this blockbuster 4-issue prequel mini-series that sets the stage for the
upcoming Star Trek film! Like the best-selling Star Trek: Countdown in 2009,
this all-new series leads directly into the next movie, with a story by Star
Trek writer/producer Roberto Orci and Mike Johnson (Star Trek) ongoing series),
and drawn by the original Star Trek: Countdown artist, David Messina! Star
Trek: Countdown To Darkness is the can't-miss lead-in to the new adventures of
the Enterprise crew!
Saga, Vol. #1 (Saga Compendium #1-6)
By Brian K.
Vaughan, Fiona Staples
When two soldiers from opposite sides of a never-ending
galactic war fall in love, they risk everything to bring a fragile new life
into a dangerous old universe.
From New York Times bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina) and critically acclaimed artist Fiona Staples (Mystery Society, North 40), Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults.
From New York Times bestselling writer Brian K. Vaughan (Y: The Last Man, Ex Machina) and critically acclaimed artist Fiona Staples (Mystery Society, North 40), Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the worlds. Fantasy and science fiction are wed like never before in this sexy, subversive drama for adults.
~ READ! It feeds the mind! ~
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Raving Fans: A Revolutionary Approach to Customer Service by Ken Blanchard, Sheldon Bowles, Harvey MacKay
"Your customers are only satisfied because their expectations are so low and because no one else is doing better. Just having satisfied customers isn't good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create Raving Fans." This, in a nutshell, is the advice given to a new Area Manager on his first day -- in an extraordinary new business book that will help everyone, in every kind of organization or business, deliver stunning customer service and achieve miraculous bottom-line results. "Raving Fans" is written in the parable style of "The One Minute Manager" and uses a brilliantly simple and charming story to teach how to define a vision, learn what a customer really wants, institute effective systems, and make Raving Fan Service a constant feature -- not just another program of the month. America is in the midst of a service crisis that has left a wake of disillusioned customers from coast to coast. "Raving Fans" includes startling new tips and innovative techniques that can help anyone create a revolution in any workplace -- and turn their customers into raving, spending fans.
Happiness it's just a habit by Martine Brennan
If you want to create a better 2013 then this book is for
Simple suggestions
Delightful graphics
Good to use with friends or alone
Easy to read
Suitable for busy people
Simple suggestions
Delightful graphics
Good to use with friends or alone
Easy to read
Suitable for busy people
A Thousand Lives: The Untold Story of Hope, Deception, and Survival at Jonestown by Julia Scheeres
“I love socialism, and I’m willing
to die to bring it about, but if I did, I’d take a thousand with me.”
— Jim Jones, September 6, 1975 In 1954, a pastor named Jim Jones opened a church in Indianapolis called People's Temple Full Gospel Church. He was a charismatic preacher with idealistic beliefs, and he quickly filled his pews with an audience eager to hear his sermons on social justice. After Jones moved his church to Northern California in 1965, he became a major player in Northern California politics; he provided vital support in electing friendly political candidates to office, and they in turn offered him a protective shield that kept stories of abuse and fraud out of the papers. Even as Jones’s behavior became erratic and his message more ominous, his followers found it increasingly difficult to pull away from the church. By the time Jones relocated the Peoples Temple a final time to a remote jungle in Guyana and the U.S. Government decided to investigate allegations of abuse and false imprisonment in Jonestown, it was too late.
In Cold Blood by Truman Capote
On November 15, 1959, in the small town of Holcomb, Kansas, four members of the Clutter family were savagely murdered by blasts from a shotgun held a few inches from their faces. There was no apparent motive for the crime, and there were almost no clues.
As Truman Capote reconstructs the murder and the investigation that led to the capture, trial, and execution of the killers, he generates both mesmerizing suspense and astonishing empathy. In Cold Blood is a work that transcends its moment, yielding poignant insights into the nature of American violence.
Department Nineteen (Department Nineteen #1) by Will Hill
Jamie Carpenter's life will never be the same. His father is dead, his mother is missing, and he was just rescued by an enormous man named Frankenstein. Jamie is brought to Department 19, where he is pulled into a secret organization responsible for policing the supernatural, founded more than a century ago by Abraham Van Helsing and the other survivors of Dracula. Aided by Frankenstein's monster, a beautiful vampire girl with her own agenda, and the members of the agency, Jamie must attempt to save his mother from a terrifyingly powerful vampire.
Department 19 takes us through history, across Europe, and beyond - from the cobbled streets of Victorian London to prohibition-era New York, from the icy wastes of Arctic Russia to the treacherous mountains of Transylvania. Part modern thriller, part classic horror, it's packed with mystery, mayhem, and a level of suspense that makes a Darren Shan novel look like a romantic comedy.
Primal Law (Alpha Pack #1) by J. D. Tyler
Meet the Alpha Pack, a top-secret military team of wolf-shifters fighting the most dangerous predators in the world, human and nonhuman. After a massacre leaves Jaxon Law crippled, he must relearn how to fight-and battle the anger and guilt threatening to overwhelm him. But when Jax rescues a beautiful woman who awakens his primal instincts, he is unprepared for the dangers that lie ahead. Soon he must decide if the deep connection he feels with Kira is worth defying the ultimate shifter law...
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